convertible unsecured loan stock
- convertible unsecured loan stock
CULS , брит. конвертируемое необеспеченное долговое обязательство*, конвертируемая необеспеченная облигация*
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Смотреть что такое "convertible unsecured loan stock" в других словарях:
Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock - ICULS — A type of security that can be used to purchase underlying common shares. It is similar to a warrant except that it is subject to the conversion ratio. In essence, an ICULS provides the benefits of a bond until it is converted to an equity. ICULS … Investment dictionary
Loan Stock — Common or preferred stock shares that are used as collateral to secure a loan from another party. The loan will earn a fixed interest rate, much like a standard loan, and can be secured or unsecured. A secured loan stock may also be called a… … Investment dictionary
loan stock — Stock bearing a fixed rate of interest. Unlike a debenture, loan stock may be unsecured. Exchange Handbook Glossary Long term debt issued by a company in order to raise capital for which interest is paid. Financial Services Glossary * * * loan… … Financial and business terms
loan — money lent at interest.A lender makes a loan with the idea that it will be paid back as agreed and that interest will be paid for the use of the money. Glossary of Business Terms Temporary borrowing of a sum of money. If you borrow $1 million you … Financial and business terms
Convertible bond — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Convertible Debenture — A type of loan issued by a company that can be converted into stock by the holder and, under certain circumstances, the issuer of the bond. By adding the convertibility option the issuer pays a lower interest rate on the loan compared to if there … Investment dictionary
Secured loan — A secured loan is a loan in which the borrower pledges some asset (e.g. a car or property) as collateral for the loan, which then becomes a secured debt owed to the creditor who gives the loan. The debt is thus secured against the collateral in… … Wikipedia
debenture — 1) The most common form of long term loan taken by a company. It is usually a loan repayable at a fixed date, although some debentures are irredeemable securities; these are sometimes called perpetual debentures Most debentures also pay a fixed… … Big dictionary of business and management
Debenture — For debentures in sport, see debenture (sport). Finance Financial markets … Wikipedia
business finance — Raising and managing of funds by business organizations. Such activities are usually the concern of senior managers, who must use financial forecasting to develop a long term plan for the firm. Shorter term budgets are then devised to meet the… … Universalium
debenture — de·ben·ture /di ben chər/ n [Anglo French debentour and Medieval Latin debentura, perhaps from Latin debentur they are owed]: an unsecured bond that is backed by the issuer s general credit rather than a specific lien – called also debenture… … Law dictionary